






资料 (1779 人)


144 主题
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[通信英文] 全球移动发展趋势 attachment gllovewyy123 2021-7-16 41782 huatiger 2021-7-19 13:35
[通信英文] 中国电信海外子网建设-英文名称与图片对照 attachment xw770210 2021-7-16 01433 xw770210 2021-7-16 12:00
[通信英文] Mathematical Theory of Communication shimmer2945 2021-7-14 01421 shimmer2945 2021-7-14 15:04
[通信英文] 分享一篇Massive MIMO的资料; attachment  ...23 shawn888 2015-8-16 4921173 2276779292 2021-7-7 10:22
[通信英文] SFF-8472 attachment comkee 2016-12-29 36235 mychiprd 2021-6-11 10:37
[通信英文] 统计与自适应信号处理--英文原版 attachment agree  ...2 chenjie713 2010-8-24 3926891 ddddd99999ing 2021-6-7 15:19
[通信英文] HTS satellite attachment zhangyc0318 2021-6-5 01277 zhangyc0318 2021-6-5 17:33
[通信英文] System architecture for the 5G System attachment 水手先生 2021-5-24 21416 qkyh 2021-5-25 17:47
[通信英文] 物联网概览 ITU-T Y.2060 attachment heatlevel  ...234 bigpapaya 2013-11-28 7943218 fyj2008 2021-5-24 16:32
[通信英文] 4G空口下的黑客攻击能导致的最坏情况是怎样? attachment fl00der 2020-5-5 11752 anubisea 2021-5-22 07:29
[通信英文] [下载]Cisco网络设备图标库(2010版) attachment  ...2 nikian 2011-6-28 2510014 anubisea 2021-5-21 15:44
[通信英文] 英文翻译功率放大器 attachment 健康饭盒 2015-1-6 42680 amber_0919 2021-5-18 13:30
[通信英文] 光纤原理-英文 attachment lingwenkui 2017-5-31 98332 仙林仙隐 2021-4-29 23:34
[通信英文] [推荐]中兴通讯专业词汇库(中英文) attachment  ...234 luckyying 2008-4-1 6236836 lizzcat 2021-4-28 14:56
[通信英文] 英文写作圣经 《On Writing Well》 attachment triangle 2013-9-3 1710835 777888999 2021-4-27 07:12
[通信英文] T-REC-G.707-200701-I!!PDF-E SDH映射 attachment liuzhang1221 2015-7-2 26815 仙林仙隐 2021-4-27 00:16
[通信英文] [分享]SDH与PDH传送网英语词汇 attachment agree sunshinerliu 2011-1-12 178067 仙林仙隐 2021-4-27 00:01
[通信英文] A Scientific Approach to Writing for Engineers and Scientists attachment skyey111 2015-2-8 83486 仙林仙隐 2021-4-26 23:56
[通信英文] Private 5G: The Future of Industrial Wireless attachment myorange 2020-9-16 32572 仙林仙隐 2021-4-26 23:47
[通信英文] 分享经典教程Introduction to Random Matrices Theory and Practice attachment coolcoolboy 2021-3-7 41619 junzhouxa 2021-4-24 15:07
[通信英文] 看到好多中文论文都是从英文翻译过来的 怎么破啊? 1879241 2017-2-24 22137 仙林仙隐 2021-4-24 03:07
[通信英文] 专业英汉互译资料——The Principle of PCM PCM原理 attachment agree  ...23 qiaoliyu 2010-6-2 4113715 仙林仙隐 2021-4-24 02:07
[通信英文] 信息检索导论(英文原版) attachment tippi郢 2010-11-17 94638 仙林仙隐 2021-4-24 01:46
[通信英文] 阿郎OTN技术资料 1830 attachment 蒋飞 2013-7-1 74467 weihaicj 2021-4-17 07:23
[通信英文] IEEE信道估计haowen Low Complexity Downlink Channel Estimation for LTE System attachment ncfir 2015-12-17 42264 小xxk 2021-4-13 17:02
[通信英文] 5G协议38.212 attachment hq476 2021-4-7 01746 hq476 2021-4-7 18:34
[通信英文] ITU推荐的信道模型——Rec,ITU-R M.1225 attachment  ...2 guoluren253 2011-3-22 2719984 AYISHI 2021-4-3 17:21
[通信英文] [分享]mimo-ofdm无线系统的基础,前景和挑战 attachment 扶正刑非 2012-3-12 175015 RebbieK 2021-3-27 14:11
[通信英文] 最常用的英语口语500句 之天 2005-7-8 195710 bahia 2021-3-11 01:24
[通信英文] 【下载】三星6G白皮书 attachment cz2020 2020-9-11 62207 blablafishcs 2021-3-7 13:33
[通信英文] 同步定时基本概念 attachment eaglechu 2021-3-2 01430 eaglechu 2021-3-2 13:54
[通信英文] mtn-migration aloofcat 2021-2-23 11204 hjh_317 2021-2-23 16:50
[通信英文] The state of digital communications report 2020 attachment 季岩冰 2020-12-4 12492 garfield_cai 2021-2-23 10:13
[通信英文] 一篇挺不错的关于MIMO信号处理的zong'su attachment Microneo 2020-9-21 21898 tonymqlq 2021-1-11 23:09
[通信英文] 无线传感器网络与6LoPWAN attachment giantbull 2014-3-13 84373 worrior82 2021-1-11 10:27
[通信英文] 5G SA 部署指南(英文) attachment onesure0 2021-1-7 12793 wuwuwu111 2021-1-7 22:05
[通信英文] 德国工业4.0平台 2030指南 年度报告 attachment 中兴教育 2020-7-29 32008 Esther221 2020-12-31 15:22
[通信英文] [下载]60GHz Technology for Gbps WLAN and WPAN(John Wiley&Sons 2011) attachment agree  ...2 zsoccer 2010-11-26 3526053 nidadong 2020-12-8 20:29
[通信英文] ECCRep280 attachment liwei007 2020-12-2 02459 liwei007 2020-12-2 13:55
[通信英文] TR-181-Issue-2-Amendment-2 attachment c14wdabao19 2020-11-25 02125 c14wdabao19 2020-11-25 21:46
[通信英文] (Wireless Networks) Miaowen Wen Xiang Cheng Liuqing Yang (auth.)-Index Mo attach_img lili_s_3 2020-7-12 42442 992213521 2020-11-15 11:06
[通信英文] 5G V2X 路车协同架构设计(附下载) attachment zhj0425 2020-7-28 52251 syb4152 2020-10-12 14:31
[通信英文] 直升机卫星通信 attachment kingsea1981 2018-1-6 65444 xuzhi6961 2020-9-18 08:40
[通信英文] 中级通信2019真题 月月大龙牛 2020-9-3 11653 yyfantasy5956 2020-9-7 15:15
[通信英文] 最近在做OFDM,一本经典无线通信教材分享给大家 attachment heatlevel  ...2345 mxcui 2013-5-20 9152835 niuxin_1985 2020-8-9 08:11
[通信英文] 蓝牙资料分享Bluetooth_2.1_+_EDR_Test_Specification_RF[1].TS.2.1.E.0 attachment radio2012 2014-11-5 79637 isa1997 2020-7-31 14:38
[通信英文] Ericsson Mobility Report 2020年6月 attachment huangxg_bj 2020-7-23 01693 huangxg_bj 2020-7-23 09:59
[通信英文] 商务英语口语王-3(书的扫描) attachment  ...2 elaine861 2012-11-14 3911478 xinshtime 2020-7-15 17:16
[通信英文] 5G时代移动网络体验报告 attachment 中兴教育 2020-7-9 42635 lzh28204 2020-7-10 16:45
[通信英文] Opensignal:5G的机遇 attachment 中兴教育 2020-7-9 31711 日拱一卒 2020-7-10 10:59

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