MA5626(config)#multi-service-port vlan 1 port 0/1 1-8 user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6 #批量增加业务虚端口
It will take several minutes, and console may timeout, please use command
idle-timeout to set time limit
Are you sure to create service virtual port(s)? (y/n)[n]:y
The number of total board in this operation: 1
The number of total service virtual port in this operation: 8
Creating start…
Creating end:
The number of total service virtual port which need be created: 8
The number of total service virtual port which have been created: 8
%2000-01-02 14:42:18+08:00 MA5626 IFNET/2/UPDOWNine protocol on the interface vlanif1 turns into UP state