






发表于 2022-11-9 14:01:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 yyh19820713 于 2022-11-9 14:02 编辑

协议关于CANCEL和487 Request Terminated讲得很清晰:

//尤其用于UAC要求UAS终止该请求并且针对该请求产生一个error response,比如主叫发送一个CANCEL给被叫,被叫会针对INVITE Request(务必注意,不是针对CANCEL回response)回复一个487Request Terminated
//对于已经收到UAS已经回复final response的请求没有任何影响
The CANCEL request, as the name implies, isused to cancel a previous request sent by a client.  
Specifically, it asks the UAS to ceaseprocessing the request and to generate an error response to that request.
CANCEL has no effect on a request to whicha UAS has already given a final response.  
Because of this, it is most useful toCANCEL requests to which it can take a server long time to respond.  
For this reason, CANCEL is best for INVITErequests, which can take a long time to generate a response.  
In that usage, a UAS that receives a CANCELrequest for an INVITE, but has not yet sent a final response, would "stopringing", and then respond to the INVITE with a specific error response (a487).

//UAC - User Agent Client - 发起请求的一方,比如发INVITE请求
//UAS - User Agent Server - 收到请求的一方
//对于原始请求比如INVITE请求的transaction和CANCEL transaction,二者是独立的。
//如果在64*T1秒内未收到最终响应,UAS应该考虑取消原始请求的transaction并销毁用于处理原始请求的client transaction.
Note that both the transactioncorresponding to the original request and the CANCEL transaction will completeindependently.  
However, a UAC canceling a request cannotrely on receiving a 487 (Request Terminated) response for the original request,as an RFC 2543- compliant UAS will not generate such a response.  
If there is no final response for theoriginal request in 64*T1 seconds (T1 is defined in Section, theclient SHOULD then consider the original transaction cancelled and SHOULDdestroy the client transaction handling the original request.


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