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ASR9K BNG RADIUS and CoA deployment guide

Executive summary
The purpose of this document is to addressthe questions related to the use of RADIUS attribute in ASR9K BNG deployment,and help network engineers inside and outside of Cisco to deploy BNG easier,especially on the interoperation between ASR9K BNG and RADIUS backend system.
• How does ASR9K BNG work with the radiusserver/COA client for AAA?
• What’s the call Plow for each step ofASR9K-AAA communication?
• What does the typical radius/COA messagelook like ?
• What attributes are supposed to be inwhat message ?
• What’s the supported IETF/Cisco venderspeciPic attribute in the ASR9K BNG.
• What’s the different between IOS and IOSXR regarding radius implementation?
• What’s the correct format for eachattribute?
• To complement a speciPic task, whatattributes are needed?
• Anything else need to know about the AAA?
This document could be used as acomplementary document to the “Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation ServicesRouter Broadband Network Gateway ConPiguration Guide” published on www.cisco.com.
This is the part 1 of this document ,focusing on the Authentication, Authorization and CoA/PoD. Part 2 will focus onAccounting.
For more useful external ASR9000 BNGtechnical articles, please visit https://supportforums.cisco.com/ ... 6/asr9000-bng-links


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