Abstract: Two trends of Next Generation Network (NGN) should be paid attention: network convergence and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) application. The article thinks that network convergence would not only be implemented at the technical side, but also occur in service, management, operation and control. Its implementation still has a long way to go. Equipment vendors and service providers may first focus on some special requirements on convergence on some special markets. Tactically, they may adopt relevant technologies to meet these requirements. However, they strategically require a highly flexible general platform to meet diversified emerging demands. The article also thinks that M2M application would go mature along with the mass application of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)and sensors and popularization of advanced applications such as grid computing. The M2M traffic will definitely go beyond the Person-to-Machine and Person-to-Person traffic on some day and become the most part of the whole traffic in the future. Therefore, it deserves great attention.
随着RFID和传感器等的大量使用以及网格计算等高级应用的推广,目前处于早期阶段的机对机应用将逐渐趋于成熟。如果由EPC Global公司推出的The Internet of Things(有时称作产品互联网或T2T)之梦得到实现的话,将来在互联网上将有数万亿件东西互相通信,一年要用数万亿标记(每一标记具有唯一的电子识别号码)。所以,在未来某一天,由机器产生的流量必将超过人-机应用和人-人应用产生的流量,甚至可能占据全部流量的绝大部分。这样的发展方向应当在NGN进程中予以高度关注。