
标题: 请教大家个问题,LTE传输模式TM1-TM8中哪种属于MIMO模式  [查看完整版帖子] [打印本页]

时间:  2013-7-17 21:40
作者: zhanglei289     标题: 请教大家个问题,LTE传输模式TM1-TM8中哪种属于MIMO模式


时间:  2013-7-18 09:03
作者: jethrowang13

时间:  2013-7-18 13:27
作者: jianglinhua

LTE Transmission Mode:
Transmission mode 1: Single-antenna transmission.
Transmission mode 2: Transmit diversity, SFBC(Space-Frequency Block Coding)based.
Transmission mode 3: Open-loop codebook-based precoding in the case of more than one layer, degraded to transmit diversity in the case of rank-one transmission. (SU-MIMO)
Transmission mode 4: Closed-loop codebook-based precoding. (SU-MIMO).
Transmission mode 5: Multi-user MIMO version of transmission mode 4 (up to max 2 users/layers).
Transmission mode 6: Special case of closed-loop codebook-based precoding limited to single layer transmission, also called beam-forming for single user.
Transmission mode 7: Release-8 non-codebook-based precoding supporting only single-layer transmission per UE, it is also called beam-forming here for single layer per UE.
Transmission mode 8: Release-9 non-codebook-based precoding supporting up to two layers per UE.
Transmission mode 9: Release-10 non-codebook-based precoding supporting up to eight layers per UE.
Codebook based mode means the precoding matrix can only be selected from known(predefined) cookbook.
Non-codebook based mode requests different demodulation/UE specific reference signals to be inserted in the allocated RBs of PDSCH before precoding and the precoding matrix is completely selected by randomly. This mode supports up to 8 transmission layers(ranks) per UE in Release10.
Closed-loop precoding is assumed that the network selects the precoder matrix based on feedback(CSI-PMI/RI) from the terminal.
Open-loop precoding does not rely on any detailed precoder recommendation being reported by the terminal and does not require any explicit network signaling of the actual precoder used for the downlink transmission. Instead, the precoder matrix is selected in a predefined and deterministic way known to the terminal in advance. One use of open-loop precoding is in high-mobility scenarios where accurate feedback is difficult to achieve due to the l******cy in the PMI reporting.
时间:  2013-7-19 13:16
作者: peterqiuy





时间:  2013-7-20 17:49
作者: lovme

peterqiuy 发表于 2013-7-19 13:16

时间:  2013-7-21 07:14
作者: peterqiuy

lovme 发表于 2013-7-20 17:49

时间:  2013-9-12 15:33
作者: lovme

peterqiuy 发表于 2013-7-21 07:14
请明白一点,LTE基站不会只用一种模式,而是会根据无线环境的不同而自动进行模式的变换,比如小区中心采用 ...

时间:  2014-7-26 15:03
作者: lxmbeyond1

jianglinhua 发表于 2013-7-18 13:27
LTE Transmission Mode:
Transmission mode 1: Single-antenna transmission.
Transmission mode 2: Tran ...

时间:  2014-7-26 15:24
作者: johnledend

时间:  2014-7-27 15:01
作者: 里奥joe

lovme 发表于 2013-7-20 17:49

在基站附近是TM3 基站覆盖边缘会变成TM8 极个别情况会出现TM2 TM3是RANK2 TM2、8都是RANK1
时间:  2014-7-27 15:02
作者: 里奥joe

johnledend 发表于 2014-7-26 15:24

为何我在长沙做的单验 只有TM3是RANK2 其余都是RANK1呢
时间:  2015-2-5 20:23
作者: 1140966570

时间:  2015-10-9 14:50
作者: superflq


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