
标题: LTE-RLC中ARQ过程的轮询问题  [查看完整版帖子] [打印本页]

时间:  2009-10-23 18:43
作者: romiyang     标题: LTE-RLC中ARQ过程的轮询问题
Expiry of
Upon expiry of t-PollRetransmit, the transmitting side of an AM RLC entity shall:
if both the transmission buffer and the retransmission buffer are empty (excluding transmitted RLC data PDU awaiting for acknowledgements); or

if no new RLC data PDU can be transmitted (e.g. due to window stalling):

consider the AMD PDU with SN = VT(S) – 1 for retransmission; or

consider any AMD PDU which has not been positively acknowledged for retransmission;

include a poll in a RLC data PDU as described in section

这段话我看不大明白,什么时候应该传SN = VT(S) – 1 的AMD PDU,什么时候应该传没有被确认已收到的PDU。希望各位大侠不吝赐教
时间:  2009-11-1 23:37
作者: romiyang

时间:  2009-11-13 10:53
作者: snowsky

时间:  2009-12-16 12:00
作者: zwheaven

如果VT(S)-1已经收到确认了,则重传一个没有收到确认的PDU。见RLC CR 36322_CR0069_(Rel-8)_R2-091665.doc

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