写了篇批判哥德尔不完全定理的文章,本来想放在ArXiv上宣示一下发现权。无奈哥德尔定理被认为是人类最高的智力成果,不容许批判,以至于不需要同行评审的ArXiv都发不出来。 我挑战这么著名的定理,当然要有过硬的证据。 这关系到话语权的争夺,各种暗战是少不了的。 借家园的地盘,推广一下,也留个发现权的证据。
欢迎大家下载批评。 接下来和这个领域的著名学者邮件沟通。
Dear author, Thank you for submitting your work to arXiv. We regret to inform you that arXiv’s moderators have determined that your submission will not be accepted and made public on [1]arXiv.org. Our moderators determined that your submission does not contain sufficient original or substantive scholarly research and is not of interest to arXiv. arXiv moderators strive to balance fair assessment with decision speed. We understand that this decision may be disappointing, and we apologize that, due to the high volume of submissions arXiv receives, we cannot offer more detailed feedback. Some authors have found that asking their personal network of colleagues or submitting to a conventional journal for peer review are alternative avenues to obtain feedback. We appreciate your interest in arXiv and wish you the best. Sincerely, The arXiv Content Management & User Support Team