Company Tdoc number Observations
Qualcomm 166372 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
ZTE 167896 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
Ericsson 166396 Inflexible LDPC better than Turbo
Flexible LDPC comparable to Turbo
Polar list decoder little worse than Turbo
Intel 166557 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
Mediatek 167531 LDPC better than Turbo
Nokia, ASB,
Verizon, Xilinx 167272 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
Samsung 166774 LDPC better than Turbo
Interdigital 167567 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
LG 167884 Some LDPC* comparable with Turbo
(* Limited flexible LDPC)
2.2 支持Polar作为eMBB信道编码方式
参考提案: R1-168040:WF on channel coding selection
会议讨论过程中,对于eMBB数据信道的编码方案,也同样存在上述多种方案,RAN1 #86bis会议纪要中有一段描述,首先是Question: How many channel coding schemes should be specified for the NR eMBB data channel(eMBB数据信道需要规定几种信道编码方案)? 1种的选项为LDPC和Polar,Polar后面只列出了华为。而大于1种的方案就是Turbo+LDPC以及LDPC+Polar,各有多个拥护者。报告也同时说明上述问题给出了一个大致的结论,但是也很不全面。因此,可能的决议为:
-X在RAN1#87中确定,128 <= X <= 1024比特,须考虑复杂度。
但是对于最终决定,最后一天的讨论中各厂家仍然有很多看法,因此,会议纪要中最终注明“RAN1仍鼓励大家对信道性能提供更多的观察和结论(Conclusion: RAN1 is still encouraged to strive to draw additional observations and conclusions on the performance of channel coding)。关于这部分的各厂家的意见和讨论过程,在会议纪要中有详细论述,感兴趣的话可以去下载查看。
2. 关键信息摘录
2.1 支持LDPC作为eMBB数据信道编码方式
R1-1610690:Way forward on observations for eMBB data channel coding
Company Tdoc number Observations
Ericsson R1-1608875 LDPC can support rate flexibility
LG R1-1609239 LDPC can support rate flexibility
ZTE R1-166414/R1-1608974 LDPC can support rate flexibility
MediaTek R1-167532 LDPC can support rate flexibility
Intel R1-166558/R1-1610377 LDPC can support rate flexibility
Nokia, ASB, Verizon, Xilinx R1-167274 LDPC can support rate flexibility
Qualcomm R1-1610137 LDPC can support rate flexibility
Samsung R1-166770/R1-1609064 LDPC can support rate flexibility
National Taiwan University R1-1609708 LDPC can support rate flexibility
[3] 长度灵活性:
Company Tdoc number Observations
Ericsson R1-1608875/R1-1608876 LDPC can support length flexibility
LG R1-1609242 LDPC can support length flexibility
ZTE R1-166414/R1-1608974 LDPC can support length flexibility
MediaTek R1-167532 LDPC can support length flexibility
Intel R1-166557/R1-1610377 LDPC can support length flexibility
Nokia, ASB, Verizon, Xilinx R1-167273 LDPC can support length flexibility
Qualcomm R1-1610137 LDPC can support length flexibility
Samsung R1-166769/R1-1609065 LDPC can support length flexibility
National Taiwan University R1-1609708 LDPC can support length flexibility
[4] 实施复杂度较好
Company Tdoc number Observations
Qualcomm R1-1610139 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
ZTE R1-1608971 LDPC* better than Turbo/Polar
Ericsson R1-1608879 Depends on how different parity check matrices
Intel R1-1609511 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
Mediatek R1-1609337 A flexible barrel shifter supporting lifting factors up to 384 occupies only 7% of the decoder.
Nokia, ASB, Verizon, Xilinx R1-1609582 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
Samsung R1-1609067 LDPC better than Turbo
LG R1- 1609241 Flexible shift network (QSN) requires twice more multiplexer than single size shift network (SS-CS)
RAN1 #86中对于高吞吐量下的实施复杂度的分析提案:
Company Tdoc number Observations
Qualcomm 166372 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
ZTE 167896 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
Ericsson 166396 Inflexible LDPC better than Turbo
Flexible LDPC comparable to Turbo
Polar list decoder little worse than Turbo
Intel 166557 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
Mediatek 167531 LDPC better than Turbo
Nokia, ASB, Verizon, Xilinx 167272 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
Samsung 166774 LDPC better than Turbo
Interdigital 167567 LDPC better than Turbo/Polar
LG 167884 Some LDPC* comparable with Turbo
2.2 支持LDPC+Turbo作为eMBB数据信道编码方式
R1-1610544:Observations on channel codes for NR eMBB data