TietoEVRY creates digital advantage for businesses and society. We are renowned digital services and software company with local presence and global capabilities. Our Nordic values and heritage steer our success. Headquartered in Finland, TietoEVRY employs around 24 000 experts globally. The company serves thousands of enterprise and public sector customers in more than 90 countries. Now we are opening new R&D office in Nanjing China, and welcome talent mind to join us.
叠拓南京研发中心招募无线通信,ORAN邻域基带工程师,物理层层一及层二,有FlexRAN经验者优先。本科或者以上学历:计算机,电子工程,通信或者相关专业 1年以上工作经验,可招实习生。从事:开发、测试等岗位 熟练掌握C++及Python等编程语言,熟悉UnixLinux环境下的开发工具和命令, 脚本语言,了解无线协议,有基带开发经验者优先, 良好的团队合作及交流沟通能力、持续学习及面对挑战 良好的英文读写能力。 叠拓(TietoEvry)将为每一位入职的员工提供良好的薪资和福利待遇:工资全额缴纳五险一金,补充住房补贴,交通补贴,通信补贴,自购手机补贴,健身津贴 ,8小时弹性工作制,无强制加班,优越的工作环境,优秀的开发团队,在家办公机会,加班工资,每年15-20天带薪假等等