- If ra-PreambleIndex (Random Access Preamble) and ra-PRACH-MaskIndex (PRACH Mask Index) have been
explicitly signalled and ra-PreambleIndex is not 000000:
- the Random Access Preamble and the PRACH Mask Index are those explicitly signalled.
“- If ra-PreambleIndex (Random Access Preamble) and ra-PRACH-MaskIndex (PRACH Mask Index) have been
explicitly signalled and ra-PreambleIndex is not 000000:
- the Random Access Preamble and the PRACH Mask Index are those explicitly signalled.”
这里面就体现了ra-PRACH-MaskIndex 的作用,只要eNB将此参数不要设置为0,这样的话UE即使第一次碰撞再重发随机接入前导的话就还是会使用之前分配的专用前导在被分配的PRACH资源上发送。
那我想再问以下前辈,“ra-PRACH-MaskIndex”是分给终端的非竞争随机接入PRACH资源,“prach-ConfigIndex”是通过广播消息告之终端的竞争随机接入的PRACH资源,参考36.211表5.7.1.2-查到,但是ra-PRACH-MaskIndex怎么查其对应的PRACH资源呢?我在36.321上的Table 7.3-1,看到了那个对应的PRACH Mask Index的值,其中的“PRACH Resource Index 0”是不是又和36.211表5.7.1.2- PRACH
configuration Index对应呢?