
标题: SNC 子网连接 分类  [查看完整版帖子] [打印本页]

时间:  2012-6-4 16:31
作者: 用服小兵     标题: SNC 子网连接 分类

SNC 子网连接
SNC/I 固有监视方式的子网连接保护

1)Inherent: the server layer's trail termination and adaptation functions are used to determinethe SF/SD condition. It supports detection of server layer defect conditions only.
2)Non-intrusive: non-intrusive monitoring functions are deployed to determine the SF/SD
a) End-to-end: Detection of server layer defect conditions, continuity/connectivity defectconditions in the layer network, and error degradation conditions in the layer network.The end-to-end overhead/OAM is used.
b) Sublayer: Detection of server layer defect conditions, continuity/connectivity defectconditions in the layer network, and error degradation conditions in the layer network.The sublayer overhead/OAM is used.
3) Sublayer: Tandem connection/segment sublayer functions are deployed to determine theSF/SD condition. It supports detection of server layer defect conditions,
continuity/connectivity defect conditions in the layer network, and error degradationconditions in the layer network. The sublayer overhead/OAM is used.

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