
标题: 跟着词汇学通信[3G移动通信术语解释](不定期更新)  [查看完整版帖子] [打印本页]

时间:  2009-4-23 16:14
作者: zil_ye     标题: 跟着词汇学通信[3G移动通信术语解释](不定期更新)

原词汇出自3GPP TS21.905,本人结合相关资料和自己的理解翻译的,有些地方添加了注释。欢迎大虾批评指正,我会即时更新,先行感谢! 如果能给初学者带来帮助,荣幸之至。(按字母顺序不定期更新,词汇部分完了之后再解释缩略语。)


1.8Vtechnology Smart Card: A Smart Card operating at1.8V ± 10% and 3V ± 10%.
---1.8V智能卡: 一种运行在1.8V ± 10% 3V ± 10% 电压环境下的智能卡.
1.8Vtechnology Terminal: A terminal operating the SmartCard - Terminal interface at 1.8V ± 10% and 3V ± 10%.
---1.8V终端: 一种使用1.8V智能卡的终端. [注:终端一般指用户设备,如手机、PDA]

3GPP Generic User Profile (GUP): The 3GPP Generic User Profile isthe collection of user related data which affects the way in which anindividual user experiences services and which may be accessed in astandardised manner.

3GPP system: thetelecommunication system standardised by the 3GPP consisting of a core networkand a radio access network that may be either GERAN or UTRAN, or both.

3GPP System core network: refers in this specification to an evolvedGSM core network infrastructure.

3GPP System coverage: see coverage area.

3GPP System IC Card: An IC card(or 'smartcard') of defined electromechanical specification which contains atleast one USIM.
---3G IC:一种符合电气规范的IC卡(或者智能卡),至少包含USIM卡功能。[注:3G手机当中用的是USIM卡,2G手机用的是SIM]

3GPP System mobiletermination: part ofthe 3GPP System Mobile Station which provides functions specific to themanagement of the radio interface (Um).

3GPP-WLAN Interworking: Used togenerically refer to interworking between the 3GPP system and the WLAN familyof standards.

3V technology SmartCard: A Smart Card operating at 3V± 10% and 5V ± 10%.
---3V技术智能卡:一种工作在3V± 10% 5V ± 10%电压环境下的智能卡.

3Vtechnology Terminal: A terminal operating the SmartCard - Terminal interface at 3V-± 10% and 5V ± 10%.

[ 本帖最后由 zil_ye 于 2009-5-5 18:33 编辑 ]
时间:  2009-4-24 15:57
作者: zil_ye


A/Gbmode: mode ofoperation of the MS when connected to the Core Network via GERAN and the Aand/or Gb interfaces.
---A/Gb模式:手机用户通过GERANA或者Gb接口连接到核心网时的操作模式。[注:MSCBSC之间是A接口,SGSNBSC之间是Gb接口。A/Gb模式的详细定义请参考3GPP TS 23.060协议]

AcceptableCell: A cell that the UE may camp on to makeemergency calls. It must satisfy certain conditions.

Accessconditions: A set of security attributes associatedwith a file.

Accessdelay: The value of elapsed time between an accessrequest and a successful access (source: ITU-T X.140).
---访问延迟:在访问的请求和成功响应之间的时间间隔(源自ITU-T X.140)。

AccessStratum SDU (Service Data Unit): Unit of datatransferred over the access stratum SAP (Service Access Point) in the CoreNetwork or in the User Equipment.

Accessprotocol: A defined set of procedures that isadopted at an interface at a specified reference point between a user and anetwork to enable the user to employ the services and/or facilities of thatnetwork (source: ITU-T I.112).
---访问协议:一套定义的流程,用于用户和网络之间某个指定参考点的接口,借助它用户能部署业务或者网络设施(源自ITU-T I.112)。[注:参考点和接口是两个概念,参考点只是定义了一些抽象的要求,而接口定义的更具体,必须完全遵从]

The process of apportioning charges between theHome Environment, Serving Network and User.

Accuracy: A performance criterion thatdescribes the degree of correctness with which a function is performed. (Thefunction may or may not be performed with the desired speed.) (source: ITU-TI.350).

Activecommunication: a UE is in active communication whenit has a CS connection established. For PS active communication is defined bythe existence of one or more Activated PDP contexts. Either one or both of thementioned active communications may occur in the UE.
---活动通信: 当手机建立了CS连接,就处于活动通信状态。对于PS,当存在一个或多个激活的PDP上下文时手机处于活动通信状态。手机可以同时处于上述两种活动通信状态。[注:1 网上有的把Active communication翻译成主动通信,那是有上下文背景的,这里不能照搬。2 CSCircuit Switch,电路交换;PSPacket Switch,分组交换。]

ActiveSet: Set of radio links simultaneously involved ina specific communication service between an UE and a UTRAN access point.
---活动集: 与手机和UTRAN访问点之间特定业务相关的一套并发的无线链路集。[注:多条链路组成链路集。这里指的是空口的无线链路]

AdjacentChannel Leakage power Ratio (ACLR): The ratio ofthe average power centered on the assigned channelfrequency to the average power centered on an adjacent channel frequency. Inboth cases the average power is measured with a filter that has Root RaisedCosine (RRC) filter response with roll-off a = 0.22 and a bandwidth equal to the chip rate.
---邻信道泄露功率比(ACLR):指配信道的平均功率与相邻信道的平均功率之比。平均功率是在带宽等于无线访问模式的码片速率时,通过根升余弦(RRC)滚降滤波器(a = 0.22)测得的。

AirInterface User Rate: The user rate between MobileTermination and IWF. For T services it is the maximum possible AIUR notincluding padding. For NT services it is the maximum possible AIUR.

ALCAP:Generic name for the transport signalling protocolsused to set-up and tear-down transport bearers.
---ALCAP: 用于建立和拆除传输承载的信令传输协议的通称。[注:ALCAP详细信息参见Iu接口的协议]

AllowablePLMN: A PLMN which is not in the list of forbiddenPLMN in the UE.

Applet: A small program that is intended not to be run on its own, butrather to be embedded inside another application
---Applet: 一种小程序,不能独立运行,必须嵌入到其他应用程序中才能运行。[注:比如嵌在HTML网页中用Java写的一些Applet程序]

Application: an application is a service enabler deployed by service providers,manufacturers or users. Individual applications will often be enablers for awide range of services. (UMTS Forum report #2) [3]
---Application: 所谓应用是指由内容供应商、制造商或者用户部署的业务,其中个人业务应用最广。

Applications / Clients:
These are services, whichare designed using service capability features.
---Applications/ Clients: ApplicationsClients都属于业务应用,用到了业务能力这一特性。[注:这里应该是指服务端应用和客户端应用]

Application Dedicated File (ADF):an application DF is the entry point to an application on the UICC.

Application Interface:
Standardised Interfaceused by application/clients to access service capability features.

Applicationprotocol: The set of procedures required by theapplication.

ASCIGeneric name to identify the services VGCS, VBS andeMLPP.
---ASCI: 高级语音呼叫业务(ASCI)包括增强多优先级和强拆(eMLPP)、语音组呼(VGCS)和语音广播(VBS)

Authentication:A property by which the correct identity of anentity or party is established with a required assurance. The party beingauthenticated could be a user, subscriber, home environment or serving network.

AvailablePLMN: A PLMN where the UE has found a cell thatsatisfies certain conditions.

Average power: The thermalpower as measured through a root raised cosine filter withroll-off a= 0.22 and a bandwidth equal to thechip rate of the radio access mode. The period of measurement shall be onepower control group (timeslot) unless otherwise stated.
---平均功率:在带宽等于无线访问模式的码片速率时,通过根升余弦滚降滤波器(a = 0.22)测得的热功率。除非另有说明,测量周期应该是一个功率控制组时长(时间片)[注:把每1.25ms内的输入符号叫做一个功率控制组]

[ 本帖最后由 zil_ye 于 2009-4-24 16:02 编辑 ]
时间:  2009-4-25 10:31
作者: 三木帅于     标题: 好好学习一下

时间:  2009-4-25 19:30
作者: 李连钢

时间:  2009-4-28 10:33
作者: hzau

时间:  2009-4-28 13:16
作者: zil_ye


Base Station: A base station is a network element in radio access network responsible for radio transmission and reception in one or more cells to or from the user equipment. A base station can have an integrated antenna or be connected to an antenna by feeder cables. In UTRAN it terminates the Iub interface towards the RNC. In GERAN it terminates the Abis interface towards the BSC.

Baselinecapabilities: Capabilities that are required for aservice-less UE to operate within a network. The baseline capabilities for a UE include the capabilities to search for, synchronise with and register (with authentication) to a network. The negotiation of the UE and the network capabilities, as well as the maintenance and termination of the registration are also part of the required baseline capabilities.

BaseStation Controller: This equipment in the BSS is incharge of controlling the use and the integrity of the radio resources.

Base Station Subsystem: Either a full network or only the access part of a GERAN offering the allocation, release and management of specific radio resources to establish means of connection between an MS and the GERAN. A Base Station Subsystem is responsible for the resources and transmission/reception in a set of cells.

BaselineImplementation Capabilities: Set of Implementation capabilities, in each technical domain, required to enable a UE to support the required Baseline capabilities.

BasicOR Basic Optimal Routeing
---Basic OR: 基本最佳路由。[注:有时也称BOR]

Basictelecommunication service: This term is used as a common reference to both bearer services and teleservices.

Bearer: A information transmission path of defined capacity, delay and bit error rate, etc.

Bearer capability: A transmission function which the UE requests to the network.

Bearerindependent protocol: (UICC) Mechanism by which the ME provides the (U)SIM applications on the UICC with access to the data bearers supported by the ME and the network.

Bearerservice: A type of telecommunication service that provides the capability of transmission of signals between access points.

Besteffort QoS: The lowest of all QoS traffic classes.If the guaranteed QoS cannot be delivered, the bearer network delivers the QoS which can also be called best effort QoS.
---尽力型QoS: 所有QoS流类别中最低的一种。承载网如果不能提供QoS保证,就只能采取尽力型QoS

Besteffort service: A service model which provides minimal performance guarantees, allowing an unspecified variance in the measured performance criteria.

Billing: A function whereby CDRs generated by the charging function are transformed into bills requiring payment.
---结算: 把计费实体产生的CDRs转化成账单的功能。[注:CDR是核心网产生的原始话单,在CS域全称是Call Detail Record,在PS域全称是Charging Data Record]

Broadcast: A value of the service attribute "communication configuration", which denotes unidirectional distribution to all users (source: ITU-T I.113).

Bytecode: (UICC) A hardware machine independent representation of a primitive computer operation that serves as an instruction to a software program called an interpreter or a virtual machine that simulates the hypothetical computer’s central processing unit. code generated by a Java compiler and executed by the Java interpreter.
---字节码(UICC) 与机器无关的代码指令,由Java编译器生成,Java解释器来执行。[注:Java中的概念]

[ 本帖最后由 zil_ye 于 2009-4-28 13:26 编辑 ]
时间:  2009-5-4 18:12
作者: zil_ye


Cable,Connector, and Combiner Losses (Transmitter) (dB): Thecombined losses of all transmission system components between thetransmitter output and the antenna input (all losses in positive dBvalues).

Cable,Connector, and Splitter Losses (Receiver) (dB): The combined losses of all transmission system components between the receiving antenna output and the receiver input.

CAC (ConnectionAdmission Control): Aset of measures taken by the network to balance between the QoSrequirements of new connections request and the current networkutilisation without affecting the grade of service of existing/alreadyestablished connections.

Call: a logical association between several users (this could be connection oriented or connectionless).

Charging Data Record (CDR): Aformatted collection of information about a chargeable event (e.g. timeof call set-up, duration of the call,amount of data transferred, etc)for use in billing and accounting. For each party to be charged forparts of or all charges of a chargeable event aseparate CDR shall begenerated, i.e more than one CDR may be generated for asinglechargeable event, e.g. because of its long duration, or because morethan one charged party is to be charged.
---计费数据记录CDR):格式化的关于计费事件(计费事件指:呼叫开始时间,呼叫时长,数据流量等)的信息集合,用于结算和记帐。每个计费方的部分或者所有计费点,都要单独生成话单。例如,对一次计费事件,会根据时长或者多个计费方,生成多张话单。 [注:CDR也简称为话单。一次计费事件中对一个用户生成的多张话单被称作部分话单,比如A一次通话1个小时,按每10分钟为A生成一张部分话单,那么一共会生成6张部分话单。用户A呼叫用户BAB都是计费方,系统分别为AB生成各自的话单。]

Campedon a cell: TheUE is in idle mode and has completedthe cell selection/reselectionprocess and has chosen a cell. The UE monitors system information and(in most cases)paging information. Note that the services may belimited, and that the PLMN may not be aware of the existence of the UEwithin the chosen cell.

Capability Class: Apiece of information which indicates general 3GPP System mobile stationcharacteristics (e.g. supported radiointerfaces,...) for the interestof the network.

Cardsession:A link between the card and the external world starting with the ATRand ending with a subsequent reset or a deactivation of the card.
---卡会话:卡和外设之间的链路,以ATR开始,RESET或者卡去活之后结束。[注:这里的外设指手机等设备,卡指SIM卡或者USIM卡。ATR=Answer to Reset。详细请参考GSM 11.11协议。]

CBS DRX cycle: The time interval between successive readings of BMC messages.
---小区广播业务的不连续接收周期:成功读取BMC消息的时间间隔。[注:CBS=Cell Broadcast Service; DRX=
Discontinuous Reception ; BMC=Broadcast /Multicast Control]

Cell: Radionetwork object that can be uniquely identified by a User Equipment froma (cell) identification that is broadcasted over a geographical areafrom one UTRAN Access Point. A Cell is either FDD or TDD mode.

CellRadio Network Temporary Identifier (C-RNTI): TheC-RNTIis a UE identifier allocated by a controlling RNC and it isunique within one cell controlled by the allocating CRNC. C-RNTI can bereallocated when a UE accesses a new cell with the cell updateprocedure.

CellularText telephone Modem (CTM): A modulation and coding method intended fortransmission of text in voice channels for the application of real timetext conversation.

Chargeable Event: Anactivity utilising telecommunications network infrastructure andrelated services for user to user communication (e.g. asingle call, adata communication session or a short message), or for user to networkcommunication (e.g. service profile administration), or forinter-network communication (e.g. transferring calls, signalling, orshort messages), or for mobility (e.g. roaming or inter-systemhandover), which the network operator wants to charge for. The cost ofa chargeable event may cover the cost of sending, transporting,delivery and storage. The cost of call related signalling may also beincluded.

Charged Party: Auser involved in a chargeable event who has to pay parts or the wholecharges of the chargeable event, or a third party paying the chargescaused by one or all users involved in the chargeable event, or anetwork operator.

Charging: Afunction whereby information related to a chargeable event is formattedand transferred in order to make it possible to determine usage forwhich the charged party may be billed.

Cipher key: A code used in conjunction with a security algorithm to encode and decode user and/or signalling data.

[ 本帖最后由 zil_ye 于 2009-5-4 18:21 编辑 ]
时间:  2009-5-8 01:06
作者: zil_ye


Closed group: A group with a pre-defined set of members. Only defined members may participate in a closed group.

Closed Subscriber Group (CSG): A Closed Subscriber Group identifies subscribers of an operator who are permitted to access one or more cells of the PLMN but which have restricted access (CSG cells).

CodedComposite Transport Channel: A data stream resulting from encoding and multiplexing of one or several transport channels.

CommonChannel: A Channel not dedicated to a specific UE.

Confidentiality: The avoidance of disclosure of information without the permission of its owner.

Connected Mode: Connected mode is the state of User Equipment switched on and an RRC connection established.
---连接态:连接态是指用户设备开机并建立了RRC连接的状态。[注:见3GPP TS23.060协议。3G有三种状态:Connected/Idle/Detached]

Connection:A communication channel between two or more end-points (e.g. terminal, server etc.).

Connection mode: The type of association between two points as required by the bearer service for the transfer of information. A bearer service is either connection-oriented or connectionless. In a connection oriented mode, a logical association called connection needs to be established between the source and the destination entities before information can be exchanged between them. Connection oriented bearer services lifetime is the period of time between the establishment and the release of the connection. In a connectionless mode, no connection is established beforehand between the source and the destination entities; the source and destination network addresses need to be specified in each message.Transferred information cannot be guaranteed of ordered delivery.Connectionless bearer services lifetime is reduced to the transport of one message.

Connectionless (for a bearer service): In a connectionless bearer, no connection is established beforehand between the source and the destination entities ; the source and destination network addresses need to be specified ineach message. Transferred information cannot be guaranteed of ordered delivery.Connectionless bearer services lifetime is reduced to the transport of one message.

Connectionless service: A service which allows the transfer of information among service users without the need for end-to-end call establishment procedures (source: ITU-T I.113).

Controlchannel: A logical channel that carries system control information.

ControllingRNC: A role an RNC can take with respect to a specific set of UTRAN access points. There is only one Controlling RNC for any UTRAN access point. The Controlling RNC has the overall control of the logical resources of its UTRAN access point's.

Conversationalservice: An interactive service which provides forbi-directional communication by means of real-time (no store-and-forward)end-to-end information transfer from user to user (source: ITU-T I.113).

Corenetwork: An architectural term relating to the part of 3GPP System which is independent of the connection technology of the terminal (eg radio, wired).

Core Network Operator: Operator that offers core networkservices.

Corporatecode: Code which when combined with the network and SP codes refers to a unique Corporate.
The code is provided in the GID2 file on the (U)SIM (see Annex A.1.) and is correspondingly stored on the ME.
附录A.1.), 并且相应地存储在移动设备中。[注:详情请参考GSM 02.22协议]

Corporate code group combination of the Corporate code and the associated SP and network codes.

Corporate personalisation: Allows acorporate customer to personalise MEs that he provides for his employees orcustomers use so that they can only be used with the company's own (U)SIMs.

Coveragearea (of a mobile cellular system): An area where mobile cellular services are provided by that mobile cellular system to the level required of that system.

Coveragearea: Area over which a 3GPP System service is provided with the service probability above a certain threshold.

CSG cell: A CSG cell, part of the PLMN, broadcasting a specific CSG Identity. A CSG cell is accessible by the members of the closed subscribers group for that CSG Identity. All the CSG cells sharing the same CSG identity use the same radio access technology. All the E-UTRAN CSG cells sharing the same identity are identifiable as a single group for the purposes of mobility management and charging. Subject to operator and registered owner agreement, a CSG cell may be reconfigured to be an unrestricted UTRAN or E-UTRAN cell.
---闭合用户群小区(CSG小区)CSG小区是PLMN的一部分,它广播一个特定的CGSIDCSG小区可以通过CSG ID被闭合用户群成员访问。所有的CSG小区使用相同的无线访问技术共享相同的CSG ID。为了移动性管理和计费,所有的E-UTRAN CSG小区共享相同的可识别它们身份的ID。如果运营商和用户允许,CSG小区可以重新配置成不受限的UTRAN或者E-UTRAN小区。[注:E-UTRAN即演进的UTRAN,属于4G的概念,具体请参考3GPP TS36.401 ]

CSG Identity (CSG ID): An identity broadcast by a CSG cell or cells and used by the UE to facilitate access for authorised members of the associated Closed Subscriber Group.
---CSG ID:该IDCSG小区进行广播,以便关联的CSG成员访问小区。

CSG identities white list: A list stored in the USIM containing all the CSG identities of the CSGs to which the subscriber belongs.
---CSG ID白名单:存储于USIM卡中的包含用户所属的所有CSGID列表。[注:比如用户A同时属于CSG1 CSG2,那么AUSIM卡中将同时保存着CSG1IDCSG2 ID]

CSG Indicator: An indication transmitted on the broadcast channel of the CSG cell that allows the UE to identify such as CSG cell.
---CSG指示CSG小区的广播信道中传输的一个指示,表明允许UE识别CSG小区。[注:CSG指示不同于CSG ID。具体请参考3GPP TS 36.331]

Currentdirectory: The latest MF or DF selected on the UICC.

CurrentEF: The latest EF selected.

Currentserving cell: This is the cell on which the MS is camped.

[ 本帖最后由 zil_ye 于 2009-5-8 12:27 编辑 ]
时间:  2009-5-10 11:34
作者: fwjhz08

时间:  2009-5-16 10:07
作者: 小客人

时间:  2009-5-31 08:02
作者: liluxiang

时间:  2009-6-4 09:44
作者: 三木帅于

时间:  2009-6-30 19:04
作者: zil_ye     标题: D

Datafield: Obsolete term for Elementary File.
DataObject: Information coded as TLV objects, i.e.consisting of a Tag, a Length and a Value part.
Achannel dedicated to a specific UE.
De-personalisation: Is the process of deactivating the personalisation so that the MEceases to carry out the verification checks.
去定制化:去激活定制化的过程,以便终端不执行定制化检查。[注:关于定制化,请参考协议3GPPTS 02.22]
DedicatedFile (DF): A file containing access conditions and,optionally, Elementary Files (EFs) or other Dedicated Files (DFs).
---专有文件:指包含了访问条件的文件, EF文件,或者其它DF文件。
DeliveredQoS: Actual QoS parameter values with which thecontent was delivered over the lifetime of a QoS session.
Demandservice: A type of telecommunication service inwhich the communication path is established almost immediately, in response toa user request effected by means of user-network signalling (source: ITU-TI.112).
Dependability: A performance criterion that describes the degree of certainty (orsurety) with which a function is performed regardless of speed or accuracy, butwithin a given observational interval (source: ITU-T I.350).
Destinationuser: Entity to which calls to the General PacketRadio Service (GPRS) are directed.
Directory: General term for the MF or a DF on the UICC.
DirectoryNumber: A string consisting of one or more of thecharacters from the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, #, a, b, c}associated with a nature of address indicator and number plan indicator.
When using the public MMI for the control ofsupplementary services however, * and # cannot be part of any SC or SI field.
---目录号:一个字符串,由{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *,#, a, b, c}中的一个或多个字符,以及地址标识符和号码计划标识符组成。当使用公共MMI控制补充业务时,*#不能用于SC或者SI域。
Nosuch restriction on the SC and SI fields exists when using other (e.g.menu-driven) MMI for the control of supplementary services.

如果使用其它 (例如,菜单驱动的) MMI时,就没有对SCSI域的限制。
Whenusing the public MMI, certain limitations on the use of one and two digitdirectory numbers may apply.
The use ofother MMI can remove these restrictions.

Thisdefinition is not intended to require the support of all these characters inthe MMI itself.

Distributionservice: Service characterised by theunidirectional flow of information from a given point in the network to other(multiple) locations (source: ITU-T I.113).
---分发业务:信息只单向地从网络中的一个点流向其它位置的业务。(源自:ITU-T I.113) [注:例如,广播就是典型的单向业务]
Domain:The highest-level group of physical entities.Reference points are defined between domains.
DomainSpecific Access Control: Access controlfunctionality for access barring in either domain (i.e. CS domain or PSdomain).
Donornetwork: The subscription network from which anumber is ported in the porting process. This may or may not be the numberrange owner network.
Downlink:Unidirectional radio link for the transmission ofsignals from a UTRAN access point to a UE. Also in general the direction fromNetwork to UE.
DriftRNS: The role an RNS can take with respect to aspecific connection between a UE and UTRAN. An RNS that supports the ServingRNS with radio resources when the connection between the UTRAN and the UserEquipment need to use cell(s) controlled by this RNS is referred to as DriftRNS.
时间:  2009-7-2 10:33
作者: guodanok

我还得努力学习啊 好多都不懂
时间:  2012-5-16 11:56
作者: lxm0212     标题: 很好,谢谢分享

时间:  2014-7-28 11:55
作者: 雪山飞飞

就到D啊 木有了?

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