Alan Baratz, CEO of D-Wave(量子退火——专用量子计算机);
Mikhail Lukin, Joshua and Beth Friedman University Professor at Harvard University and cofounder of QuEra Computing(中性原子量子计算);
Ben Bloom, founder and CEO of Atom Computing(中性原子量子计算);
John Levy, cofounder and CEO of SEEQC(超导量子计算);
Krysta Svore, technical fellow at Microsoft(拓扑量子计算);
Loc Henriet, CEO of Pasqal(中性原子量子计算);
Matthew Kinsella, CEO of Infleqtion(中性原子量子计算);
Pete Shadbolt, cofounder and chief scientific officer of PsiQuantum(光量子计算);
Peter Chapman, executive chair at IonQ(离子阱量子计算);
Rajeeb Hazra, president and CEO of Quantinuum(离子阱量子计算);
Rob Schoelkopf, cofounder and chief scientist at Quantum Circuits(超导量子计算);
Simone Severini, general manager of quantum technologies at AWS(量子计算云服务 Braket);
Subodh Kulkarni, CEO of Rigetti(超导量子计算);
Théau Peronnin, cofounder and CEO of Alice & Bob(猫态量子比特——开发容错量子计算机)。
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