What should I know before the market opens?开市前我该知道些什么?
What’s the best strategy for advertising at the Super Bowl? Analyze the ROI of each major advertiser at the 2025 Super Bowl. Which brands were the biggest winners and losers? What ad techniques were most and least effective? If I wanted to advertise at the 2026 Super Bowl, what should I do to maximize success?在超级碗(Super Bowl)投放广告的最佳策略是什么?分析2025年超级碗上每个主要广告商的投资回报率(ROI)。哪些品牌是最大的赢家和输家?哪些广告技巧最有效和最无效?如果我想在2026年超级碗上投放广告,我该怎么做才能最大限度地取得成功?
compile a research report on how has retail industry changed in the last 3 years.编写一份关于过去3年零售业变化的研究报告。
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