你是不是根本就不了解?“5G广播”是欧洲一大堆广电运营商主导的标准,也就是“5G BROADCAST”,中国广电主要参与方是广科院、规划院、中国传媒大学;5G NR广播“5G new radio (NR) multicast and broadcast service ”是中国广电主导的,目前陆续有参与的是中国移动、中国传媒大学等,从2019年主要的3GPP倡导代表就是中国广电,向3GPP R17、18提交的5G NR广播提案以及向ITU提交的广播标准确实是中国广电。
Qingjun Zeng
Deputy Manager
China Broadcasting Network Group
Co., Ltd.
Beijing, China zengqingjun@cbn.cn
Shuang Li
Deputy Director of Technology
Development Department
China Broadcasting Network Group
Co., Ltd.
Beijing, China lishuang@cbn.cn
This paper first provides an overview of 5G new
radio (NR) multicast and broadcast service (MBS), which is
under development in 3GPP Release-17. Multicast and
broadcast services based on Rel-17 5G NR network are
supported and capable of transporting multimedia streaming or
download services to various types of general-purpose 5Gcapable
devices. Following the principle of Release-17 5G NR
MBS, China Broadcasting Network (CBN) cooperated with
industry partners to develop the world’s first 5G NR MBS endto-end
prototype trial system using commercially-available 5G
NR network platform and 5G-capable smartphones. Based on
the prototype system, field trial tests for cellular deployment
and high-tower deployment are conducted for mobile and fixed
receptions respectively. The field test results demonstrate the
versatility, flexibility and efficiency of 5G NR multicast and
broadcast technology, which can be heavily integrated with the
deployed mobile communication network, and represents the
evolution direction of new broadcast/multicast technology in the