标题: GTI Report - 5G-A x AI New Era, New Opportunities, New Value[查看完整版帖子][打印本页]
时间: 2024-6-5 17:25
作者: fmrl 标题: GTI Report - 5G-A x AI New Era, New Opportunities, New Value
This report focuses on the business models and value expansions of 5G
in the three markets: Individual, Household, and Industrial. The report then
analyzes new opportunities and values brought by the collaborative
development between 5G-A and AI. GTI aims to gather the industry’s
consensus regarding how to realize the full potential of 5G A2, and create a
much broader value space for the entire industry.
附件: GTI Report - 5G-A x AI New Era, New Opportunities, New Value.pdf (2024-6-5 17:25, 1.37 MB) / 下载次数 3 https://www.txrjy.com/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=NjM2MDAzfGQ0OTk0ODNmfDE3NDE1NjgzMTV8MHww