
标题: GSA: 310 commercial 5G networks launched worldwide  [查看完整版帖子] [打印本页]

时间:  2024-5-23 17:14
作者: oldchat     标题: GSA: 310 commercial 5G networks launched worldwide

5G Market Snapshot May 2024

By the end of March 2024, GSA had identified 585 operators in 175 countries and territories investing in 5G, including trials, acquisition of licences, planning, network deployment and launches. This number excludes nearly 200 additional companies awarded priority access licences in the US auction of CBRS spectrum, which could potentially be used for 5G

Of those, 310 operators in 118 countries and territories had launched or soft-launched at least one 3GPP-compliant 5G service

The spectrum bands most supported in deploying or deployed 5G networks are C-band, 700 MHz, 26/28 GHz, 2.1 GHz and 2.5 GHz

GSA has catalogued 2,601 announced 5G devices, up by more than 107% from 1,253 at the start of 2022

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