
标题: 解构SD-WAN  [查看完整版帖子] [打印本页]

时间:  2024-5-14 17:19
作者: dassio_98     标题: 解构SD-WAN

SD-WAN发展到今天已经有7个年头了,很多公司都在推SD-WAN, 很多企业都在用SD-WAN。按理说SD-WAN的原理和优势应该被人所熟知。但是即使作为一个老通信人,接触SD-WAN也有2年多,但是对于SD-WAN,也只能说出智能选路降低成本两个优势。

后来我又去看了业界领先的SD-WAN厂商介绍,结果发现自己又被埋没在各种营销术语和车轱辘话中,例如SD-Branch、SEE、SASE、AI SDWAN。

1 什么是SD-WAN
SD-WAN是 software-defined WAN, 这个大家都知道。具体的理解我们看看厂商都是怎么定义的
SD-WAN is a software-defined approach to managing the WAN.
Key advantages include:
Reducing costs with transport independence across MPLS, 4G/5G LTE, and other connection types.
Improving application performance and increasing agility.
Optimizing user experience and efficiency for software-as-a-service (SaaS) and public-cloud applications.
Simplifying operations with automation and cloud-based management
SD-WAN is a software-defined approach to transforming
the WAN that helps accelerate the adoption of cloud-based
applications and other digital transformation initiatives.
SD-WAN creates overlay tunnels that can handle a variety
of connections and dynamically move traffic over the best
transport available. It can provide both redundancy and
much more capacity using lower-cost links.
从中我们提取关键词:Reducing costs lower-cost dynamically agility cloud-based

其实说到底,SD-WAN的引入就是为了降低价格:使用价格更低的Internet代替常规的专线或者MPLS VPN(MPLS VPN应该算是专线的低价格历史演进)。而价格的降低促进了带宽的提升,为了方便管理,又引入了Software来管理。
因此SD-WAN中的S并不是SD-WAN出现的原因,软件行业的进步的确使SD-WAN成为可能,但是家宽技术提升(100M -- 500M --千兆宽带)可能占更大的因素。国家在这方面投入了巨量资金:提速降费、楼宇光纤强制铺设等等。而世界范围内对光纤的认可也和我国的光纤政策是相符的。美国联邦就投入了大量的资金支持各州光纤的建设
2 SD-WAN的应用场景

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SD-WAN的创新主要在这个分流技术上面: 从传统的基于目的IP,目的端口,报文协议,发展到了基于应用的分流。
2.1 分支机构部署SD-WAN
2.1.1 远程设备的接入

这种场景下,设备一般是一直联网:访问公司的内部系统,或者对接公有云/私有云的业务系统,没有访问互联网的需求。 同时有以下的要求:
2.1.2 远程人员的接入需求
这些需求,一般SSL VPN都可以满足,SD-WAN,尤其是SD-WAN叠加IPSEC,一般用不上
3 SD-WAN的突破技术
3.1 费用的降低
参考: https://www.idcbest.com/idcnews/11006222.html



可以参考5.1描述的用户,也是用DIA(Dedicated Internet Access)来替代了MPLS

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3.2 可靠性的增强
4 SD-WAN的集成技术
那为什么各大设备厂商还在大张旗鼓的搞呢,我的理解是SD-WAN可以作为很多技术的载体,SD-WAN CPE可以用作:
上面多个技术的归一,其实是简化的客户的设备部署 和 管理,并能实现实时的监控,赋予了网络的可视化能力。
4.1 广域网加速技术
4.1.1 WAN Path Remediation
Forward error correction (FEC) is a digital signal processing technique used to enhance data reliability. It does this by introducing redundant data, called error correcting code, prior to data transmission or storage

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4.1.2 SD-WAN Aggregation

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4.1.3 Tunnel QOS
针对不同的IPSEC Tunnel,可以针对不同的Tunnel进行QOS优先级的排序
5 用户使用反馈
DIA: dedicate internet access, 类似于国内的专线:上下行带宽对称
5.1 正方用户5.1.1 用户一
If I can replace a $3000 a month MPLS connection and get the same or better reliability with a $1000 DIA connection and 2 x $200 business grade connections from different providers why wouldn't I? Multiply that by a few dozen/hundred/thousand sites and you can easily see how compelling that is to any business.
用户关心的技术(基本都是在SD-WAN CPE上面叠加的功能)
dynamic path steering based on SLA's

dynamic path steering based on SLA's

dynamic packet duplication and/or Forward Error Correction based on SLA performance

ideally with granular targeting of app's/ports to lower the overhead of dupe's(FEC的控制力度要够细,否则会给不关心的流量添加FEC数据,造成带宽的浪费)

ideally with granular targeting of app's/ports to lower the overhead of dupe's

zero touch provisioning (ZTP)

rich monitoring and traffic insights to the level of Netflow/IPFIX
5.1.2 用户二
Company saved $50k/month by changing MPLS links to dual DIA, remote sites with shit infrastructure get reliable access by merging two DSL connections or DSL and Starlink, less fiddly to get going than an IPSEC DMVPN. It’s been a good switch for us.
5.1.3 用户三
We got roughly 10x the bandwidth at 80% of the cost of dropping MPLS for DIA+DOCSIS

Let me just say this… if you are ONLY looking at sdwan as a multi to multi transport, you really missed the boat. The application optimization is so key and more so the value add than IPsec management. If you didn’t get that part, you may need to read up.
5.2 反方用户5.2.1 用户一:部署方式错误
推行SD-WAN的时候,只把省钱作为目标: 把一条SLA更高的专线,替换成了更便宜,但是SLA很低的专线

We ran into this. We had a high level person come in and decide leased circuits are out sdwan is in. We saved 10% in circuit budget and our KPIs were in the toilet with downtime. That circuit with 24/7 repair response and 99.99 sla was gone and replaced with you better hope it goes down before 12 or it was nbd before a repair tech was dispatched. It was 100% sold as cost savings, so to add a second link from a different carrier or even cell backup would have destroyed that. It lasted 6 months and we were converting sites back. Had it been sold as redundancy and not cost savings it would have made sense with multiple carriers at each site. Although you have to make sure they don't use the same fiber from the local telco to come in the site.
5.2.2 用户二
We use SD-WAN at my organization being pushed from the corporate level, forcing us to move away from our MPLS network locally. Our director is old school and has fought it, but..
I don't think it's inherently bad, and I like the upsides of it, I personally am just not a fan of how it's being implemented in our org. Dealing with two third parties and extremely long lead times to get sites up. One company we deal with for technical issues and they contact another party for dealing with the ISP. We have no contact with ISP at all.
We have had far less reliability with SD-WAN compared to our MPLS as well.

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